martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

capture cis (2)

Serial SPI

The SPI bus (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a communications standard, mainly used for transferring information between integrated circuits in electronic equipment. A serial bus, synchronous and works in full duplex mode. Includes a clock line, incoming data, outgoing data and a chip select pin, which switches the operation of the device with which you want to communicate.

el mcp3201
el mcp4822
el mcp1010
el mcp6S91
el mcp23s08
el tc77

son los pdf donde se encontrara informacion detallada sobre el componente en cuestion.

Luego esta la creaccion de estos componentes en el programa capture CIS conectandos a las lineas del microprocesador :

the range of 77 n mcp as positions in the libraries of cis capture by

That left a download file to download it and put it in bookstores:

aceder to you you have to put in google sites and will be able to download entoces when you file the list of files displayed by going to the idquierda and bitter in the sidebar where it says attachments, descargais has library3 name. olb
Here you have the ace chip77que mcp and failure and are not in the libraries of the capture.


The ATX is very similar to the AT, but has a number of differences, both in performance and in the voltages delivered to the motherboard. ATX source actually consists of two parts: a primary source, which corresponds to the old AT power (with some additions), and an assistant.

then we find the female and male connectors coupling capacitors:

finally the code and the reference LED power and ground for Acers not a mess when land and see the sources of the circuit and the source.

and this is the source in full.

and recently opened to run all the same connections to view them as choose their best and then open the blocks to put together. We must bear in mind that together laas connections have to be exact, as in the schema component then not give us any error.

Save the project:

For what we have here is give the format to pass to the layout and the screen will minimize this scheme, only the circuit diagram display window no Orcad and see that there are 3 open windows in total, including the one just minimized.
Choose the one that has a slight resemblance to Windows Explorer.

Deploy the folder name and select the DESIGN RESOURCES extension *. dsn file to have the same name we have given the project and say that we believe that the NET LIST to use the button.

Now we are asked by an options window some parameters to give the new document in this window select the LAYOUT tab and select the two options which are not default and LAYOUT RUN TO USER ECO PROPERTIES ARE IN INCHES.

Press OK and will tell us that we have created the net list file from DSN described above, we accept and we can exit this program.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


A network of computers, also called network computers or computer network, is a set of equipment (hardware and / or devices) connected by wires, signals, waves or any other method of transporting data, they share information (files) , Resources (CD-ROM ...



Partial map of the Internet based on information obtained site in 2005. Each line between two nodes represents the connection between two IP addresses and its length is proportional to the delay between them.

Internet Access

Scheme with the current Internet-related technologies.

Internet includes about 5,000 networks around the world and over 100 different protocols based on TCP / IP, which is configured as network protocol. The services available in the global network of PCs, have advanced significantly, thanks to new technology high-speed transmission such as ADSL and Wireless, has managed to unite people with videoconferencing, view satellite images (see your house from the sky ), see the world through webcams, free phone calls, or enjoy a 3D multiplayer game, a good book, PDF, or albums and movies for download.

The Internet access method in effect for several years, basic telephony, has been gradually being replaced by faster and more stable connections, including ADSL, Cable Modems, or ISDN. They have also appeared forms of access through the grid, and even satellite (usually only for download, although there is the possibility of double track, using the DVB protocol-RS).

Internet is also available in many public places such as libraries, bars, restaurants, hotels, cafes and even shopping centers. A new way to access without a fixed wireless networks are, now present in airports, subways, universities or entire populations.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


77 instructions

From 18 to 80-pin

to 64K bytes of program (up to 2 Mbytes in ROMless)

Hardware 8x8 Multiplier

to 3968 bytes of RAM and EEPROM 1Kbytes

40MHz maximum clock frequency. Up to 10 MIPS.Stack  

32 levels.

Multiple interrupt sources

advanced communications peripherals (CAN, and USB)

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Improbements for Windows 7

Improbements for Windows: 
Faster, more responsive performance Nobody likes to wait, so we designed the operating system to be more sensitive and easy to use. With Windows 7, the teams start, stop, resume from standby and respond more quickly. To be able to go full speed, adds features to reduce the number of steps needed to make things normales.Buscando the internet you can find multiple updates and enhancements to improve computer performance