With a PIC 18F4550 SPI communication using will read the temperature by TC77. It will show real-time temperature in degrees Celsius. The temperature is shown in a alphanumeric LCD 16 × 2.
The TC77 is a temperature sensor designed for use in SPI communication. Looking at their data sheet we can see how it works and know what steps are required to read the book he gives us. Once we know how we will create the code for PIC. In my case, always use proper C language as applied to CCS PIC's.
I had problems to display tenths of temperature and I have decided to show only whole degrees because I think that a difference of 14.2 and 14.6 is hardly relevant at least in our application. My code only shows whole degrees.
exercise so that you can download it.
The TC77 is a temperature sensor designed for use in SPI communication. Looking at their data sheet we can see how it works and know what steps are required to read the book he gives us. Once we know how we will create the code for PIC. In my case, always use proper C language as applied to CCS PIC's.
I had problems to display tenths of temperature and I have decided to show only whole degrees because I think that a difference of 14.2 and 14.6 is hardly relevant at least in our application. My code only shows whole degrees.
exercise so that you can download it.
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