Exercise involves connecting two PIC's 18F4550 through SPI port. In my case the exercise is simple Master in case of receiving a logic 1 at the door RA0 send a signal to the Slave. This activates an LED long as it says the Master.
By having two independent PICs we will need to have two codes. Empelo CCS C language to program the PIC's. The first thing is to program the Master. The teacher is aware of how the RA0 is if entry is a logical 1 this will account for 1 and writes it to the SPI. In the event that there is a logical 0 RA0 this account written in a 0.
Once we set a schedule Master Slave. The slave checks all the time if you have entered a value in the SPI. If you entered data enter thou read the data and stored in the variable number. If number is 1 turn out RA02 activating an LED.
Dowloar year:
By having two independent PICs we will need to have two codes. Empelo CCS C language to program the PIC's. The first thing is to program the Master. The teacher is aware of how the RA0 is if entry is a logical 1 this will account for 1 and writes it to the SPI. In the event that there is a logical 0 RA0 this account written in a 0.
Once we set a schedule Master Slave. The slave checks all the time if you have entered a value in the SPI. If you entered data enter thou read the data and stored in the variable number. If number is 1 turn out RA02 activating an LED.
Dowloar year:
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