The objective of this exercise is to learn the basics about Vision Builder AI environment 2009 (SP1) through a tutorial that Vision Builder itself gives us.
In order to familiarize themselves with the working environment of Vision Builder I will explain first what you have in your front panel:
1 .- This area view the image or images that we are taking, either through a camera or stored in a 'folder' on your computer.
2 .- Here we go inserting instructions in our exercise.
3 .- In this field we can take decisions by states and transitions, ie, as if a state machine is involved.
4 .- From here choose the instructions inserted in each exercise.
To begin this exercise, we will use images of the tutorial number one Vision Builder offers a simulation mode.
To do this we will click on (Simulate Acquisition) (1), then we will click on to load the images in the tutorial, (2) then select the first and (3) Finally click 'Open'.
Once we have the image acquisition, we will take a pattern thereof, that is, identify a part that is common to all of them to determine their position. To do this we will click on (Pattern Match).
Then select the area you want to identify the boat (in my case I selected the area marked by the green box). To end the pattern will click 'Next' and then 'finsihed'.
The next step will be to detect whether or not the pot lid. This is done by using (Intensity Measure), an instruction to detect color changes (in our case from white to black).
To mark the areas of interest (green boxes), simply drag the pointer left click on the image, if we check more than one area then press 'Control' while we are marking the zones.
In addition we will use the coordinate pattern to identify the image covers about this.
The following will check the status of the above steps by using the Step Inspection Status.
In order to familiarize themselves with the working environment of Vision Builder I will explain first what you have in your front panel:
1 .- This area view the image or images that we are taking, either through a camera or stored in a 'folder' on your computer.
2 .- Here we go inserting instructions in our exercise.
3 .- In this field we can take decisions by states and transitions, ie, as if a state machine is involved.
4 .- From here choose the instructions inserted in each exercise.
To begin this exercise, we will use images of the tutorial number one Vision Builder offers a simulation mode.
To do this we will click on (Simulate Acquisition) (1), then we will click on to load the images in the tutorial, (2) then select the first and (3) Finally click 'Open'.
Once we have the image acquisition, we will take a pattern thereof, that is, identify a part that is common to all of them to determine their position. To do this we will click on (Pattern Match).
Then select the area you want to identify the boat (in my case I selected the area marked by the green box). To end the pattern will click 'Next' and then 'finsihed'.
Ahora que ya hemos marcado el patrón de nuestra imagen pasaremos a darle una coordenada de origen. Para ello haremos click en (Set Coordenade)
Después haremos click en ‘ Settings ‘ y escogeremos desplazarnos en el eje de las X,ya que las imágenes tomadas sola varían en ese eje (Fig. 6).
fig 6
To mark the areas of interest (green boxes), simply drag the pointer left click on the image, if we check more than one area then press 'Control' while we are marking the zones.
In addition we will use the coordinate pattern to identify the image covers about this.
Finally we create the indicators that show information about each of the boats. in thiscaso nos indicará si el In this pot lid or not. This instruction will choose the 'Custom Overlay‘
First we will give you a name and then we will set it up.To create the indicator we will click on
. and then drag in the image, using the left mouse button to get the size you want.
Once you have will give you the value that indicadaremo if 'True' or 'flase', assigning it the value of education 'Measure Intensity'.
Finally we write the text to display in case of success or failure.
Once you have will give you the value that indicadaremo if 'True' or 'flase', assigning it the value of education 'Measure Intensity'.
Finally we write the text to display in case of success or failure.